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Quote of the day

�I read all the time. I love it. My fantasy would be to be locked into a library. I�d be very, very happy. � ~ Pink (singer)

Welcome to Elizade University Library.

Welcome to the Elizade University Library.

The University has put in place a modern library sufficiently equipped and computerized to provide the necessary support for teaching, learning and research activities for all members of the University Community as well as to aid the realization of its Vision, Mission and Objectives.

There are two methods available on searching library catalog. The first one is SIMPLE SEARCH, which is the simplest method on searching catalog, you just enter any keyword, either it contained in document titles, authors name or subjects. You can supply more than one keywords in Simple Search method and it will expanding your search results.

ADVANCED SEARCH - Lets you define keywords in more specific fields. If you want your keywords only contained in title field, then type your keyword in Title field and the system will scope it search only on Title field, not in other fields. Location field lets you narrowing search results by specific location, so only collection that exists in selected location get fetched by system. To start a search, enter a word or multiple words in the search box. When a single is entered, a keyword search is performed, yielding records that include the word. The system will automatically look for variations on the words entered. For example, if you enter embryo, the system retrieves items with the words embryo, embryos, embryological, etc. When you enter more than one word into the search box, each word will be searched on its own; your search will then be narrowed to display those items with all the words. Entering two or more keywords increases the specificity of your results. If your search retrieves too many results, check the options in the "Refine Your Search" box to the left. If your search retrieves too few or no results, try using synonyms and different combinations of keywords. NOTE: Too many words in the search box will find very few matches. The order of the words does not affect the retrieval results. A search for "debate communication" will yield the same results as "communication debate."Viewing RecordsThe results list provides brief information about each title, including where the item may be found and whether it is available for loan or checked out. Clicking on the title leads to a full description of the title and to copy-specific information that will assist in locating each item within the library (e.g. Reserve, Reference, Circulating collection, etc.). For more assistance please contact the Librarian.

Need Help?:

Administrator:  ugwunwa.esse@elizadeuniversity.edu.ng
University Librarian: ul@elizadeuniversity.edu.ng

Opening Hours

Term Time
8am – 7pm
8am – 5pm
9am – 2pm
9am - 2pm

Public Holidays - The Library is closed on Public Holidays.

Rules Governing the use of the Library
• Smoking, eating and drinking are strictly prohibited in the library.
• Any form of disturbance is prohibited in the Library.
• Mutilation and/or defacing of Library materials are highly forbidden.
• Users who leave their personal property in the library do so at their own risk.
• All items taken in and out of the library are subject to security scrutiny.
• Reading tables or chairs should not be reserved.
• Library materials should not be taken out of the library unless they have been date-stamped.
• Readers must return all library materials in their possession on the expiry of their membership.
• All cell phones must be switched off when using the library.

Library Membership

To be able to loan our library collections, you must first register. There are terms and conditions that you must obey.

Log in to your account:

Don't have an account? Register here.

Please, always endeavor to see the Koha Administrator if you have any problem with your login. Please do not use other staff password, it's illegal and unethical. Also, if you cannot remember your login details (username/password), see the Koha Administrator. Always remember to check Koha manual by clicking "help" in the drop down menu at the top of the page (by the right hand side). Thanks

Elizade University Library, OPAC is powered by Koha
Installed and customized by TommyBashy Library Consult